Direct in Dialing No: 0532+227+Extention Number
Phone: 0532 - 2545404/07, 2540233, 2545729
Fax No: 0532-2545341 (Director Office), 2545677 (Training & Placement)
For Email: Login
"Click Here for Contact Details for Academic Departments"
"Click Here Security personnel contact number in case of emergency"
Name |
Designation |
Residence Number |
Extension Number (Office) |
Extension Number (Residence) |
Login ID |
Reception/ Enquiry |
1000 |
Dr. Vivek Lall |
Chairperson, BOG |
1001 |
Prof. Rama Shanker Verma |
Director |
--- |
1002 |
1600 |
director |
Mrs. Shweta Ranjan |
Secretary |
--- |
1003 |
--- |
secretary |
Shri Shivakant Shukla |
Personal Assistant |
--- |
1003 |
--- |
shivakant_do |
1004 |
Prof. Ramesh Pandey |
O. S. D. Chamber |
--- |
1005 |
--- |
ramesh |
O.S.D. Office |
--- |
1006 |
--- |
osd |
Shri Vivekanand Yadav |
Asst. Registrar [Director Office, R&C Office and RGIA Office] |
--- |
1007 |
--- |
vivekanandar |
Prof. Akshoy Ranjan Paul |
Applied Mechanics |
B-18 |
1200 |
1668 |
hamd |
Prof. Manisha Sachan |
Biotechnology |
C-60 |
1230 |
1760 |
hbiod |
Prof. Pitam Singh |
Mathematics |
C-09 |
1250 |
1709 |
hmathd |
Prof. S.N. Pandey |
Physics |
A-02 |
1265 |
1677 |
hphyd |
Prof. Ashutosh Pandey |
Chemistry |
B-28 |
1280 |
1678 |
hchemd |
Prof. Sadhana Sachan |
Chemical Engineering |
--- |
1580 |
--- |
hchemicald |
Prof. Jyotsna Sinha |
Humanities & Social Sciences |
--- |
1295 |
--- |
hssd |
Prof. Raj Mohan Singh |
Civil Engineering |
C-41 |
1300 |
1741 |
hced |
Prof. Mayank Pandey |
Computer Science and Engineering |
C-55 |
1350 |
1755 |
hcsed |
Prof. Richa Negi |
Electrical Engineering |
--- |
1400 |
--- |
heed |
Prof. V. S. Tripathi |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
1450 |
helexd |
Prof. Mukul Shukla |
Mechanical Engineering |
B-26 |
1500 |
1676 |
hmed |
Prof. Tanuj Nandan |
School of Management Studies |
--- |
1550 |
--- |
hsms |
Prof. D.K. Yadav (Chairperson) |
GIS Cell |
C-33 |
1340 |
1733 |
hgisc |
Prof. Laxmi Kant Mishra |
Dean |
C-39 |
1044 |
1739 |
academics |
Prof. Nitin Singh |
Associate Dean |
C-02 |
1413 |
1702 |
nitins |
Dr. Manisha Yadav |
Asst. Registrar (Academic & Students Welfare) |
--- |
1051 |
--- |
manishaar |
Prof. Basant Kumar |
Chairperson SDPC |
C-25 |
1457 |
1725 |
singhbasant |
Prof. Harnath Kar |
Chairperson SMPC |
1269 |
smpc |
Prof. Ravi Prakash |
Chairperson SUGC |
A-05 |
1513 |
1605 |
rprakash |
Dean (Academic) Office Gate |
--- |
--- |
1052 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Vinay Kumar |
F.I., Examination |
--- |
1371 |
--- |
Vinay.k |
Dr. Swastik Acharya |
Associate F. I. Examination-I |
--- |
1048 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Anuja Dixit |
Associate F. I. Examination-II |
--- |
1048 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Subham Gupta |
Associate F. I. Examination-III |
--- |
1048 |
--- |
--- |
Exam cell office |
--- |
--- |
1048 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Vishwajeet Pratap Singh |
F.I (Time-Table & Class Room Infrastructure Management) |
--- |
1252 |
--- |
vps15783 |
Dr. Dipesh Shikchand Patle |
F.I., Admission |
G-72 |
1591 |
--- |
dipesh-patle |
Dr. Abhishek Kundu |
Associate F. I. Admission-I |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Bharat Ranjan |
Associate F. I. Admission-II |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Rupika Sinha |
Associate F. I. Admission-III |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Planning & Development |
Prof. Ravi Prakash Tewari |
Dean |
A-05 |
1032 |
1605 |
deanpd |
Office Planning & Development |
--- |
--- |
1032 |
--- |
--- |
Research and Consultancy |
Prof. Ajay Kumar Singh |
Dean |
A-6 |
1033 |
1606 |
deanrc |
Shri Vivekanand Yadav |
Assistant Registrar |
--- |
1034 |
--- |
vivekanandar |
Office R & C |
--- |
--- |
1034 |
--- |
--- |
Faculty Welfare |
Prof. Vinay Kumar Srivastava |
Dean |
A-9 |
1042 |
1619 |
deanfw |
Office Faculty Welfare |
--- |
--- |
1043 |
--- |
--- |
Students' Welfare |
Prof. Rajeev Srivastava |
Dean |
B-21 |
1038 |
1671 |
deansw |
Prof. Animesh Kumar Ojha |
FI Counseling (Boys) |
--- |
1264 |
--- |
animesh |
Dr. Dogga Raveendhra |
Associate F.I. Counseling (Boys) |
--- |
1568 |
--- |
raveendogga |
Prof.Tripti Singh |
FI Counseling (Girls) |
--- |
1238 |
--- |
tripti |
Dr. Richa Arya |
Associate F.I. Counseling (Girls) |
--- |
1342 |
--- |
richaarya |
Dr. Manoj Wairiya |
F.I. (Scholarships) |
C-37 |
1261 |
1737 |
wairya |
Dr. Anand Mohan Verma |
Associate F.I. (Scholarships) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
averma |
Office Students’ Welfare |
--- |
--- |
1039 |
--- |
--- |
Dean (Resource Generation and International Affairs) |
Prof. Shubhi Purwar |
Dean |
B-22 |
1033 |
1672 |
shubhi |
Shri Vivekanand Yadav |
Assistant Registrar |
--- |
1034 |
--- |
vivekanandar |
Training & Placement |
Prof. Shivesh Sharma |
Professor In-charge |
C-49 |
1061 |
1749 |
placements |
Dr. Ramji Dwivedi |
Faculty In-charge |
C-21 |
1343 |
--- |
ramjid |
Office T & P |
--- |
--- |
1062 |
--- |
--- |
Prof. Dharmender Singh Kushwaha |
Faculty In-Charge |
C-19 |
1029/1555 |
1719 |
fisnfce |
Prof. R. K. Tripathi |
Coordinator |
A-11 |
1405 |
1611 |
rktripathi |
Dr. Monika Prakash Rai |
Deputy Coordinator |
--- |
--- |
--- |
mprai |
III Cell |
Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar |
Faculty In-charge |
IH-309 |
1513 |
--- |
ansawarkar |
Mr. Mohd. Danish Ansari |
Assistant Registrar & Nodal Officer [SC/ST/OBC/PWD and Minorities] |
1030 |
danishar |
Office III Cell |
--- |
--- |
1151 |
--- |
--- |
National Cadet Corps [NCC] Office |
Dr. Divya Kumar |
Officer In-charge, NCC |
--- |
1370 |
--- |
divyak |
Prof. Rajesh Kumar Shastri |
Officer In-charge, NSS |
C-31 |
1294 |
1731 |
rkshastri |
Prof. Naresh Kumar |
Nodal Officer |
C-28 |
1271 |
1728 |
nsisodia |
Dr. Ambak Kumar Rai |
Associate Nodal Officer-I |
IH |
1241 |
--- |
ambakrai |
Prof. Ravindra Tripathi |
Associate Nodal Officer-II |
--- |
1344 |
--- |
ravindra |
Mr. Gyanendra Kumar Tiwari |
Convener |
--- |
1027 |
1968 |
gktiwari |
Public & Media Relations [PMR] Cell |
Prof. Ramesh Pandey |
Registrar |
B-10 |
1011 |
--- |
registrar |
Prof. Ramesh Pandey |
B-10 |
1005 |
--- |
osd |
Prof. Mukesh Kumar |
Chief Vigilance Officer |
B-16 |
1205 |
1666 |
mukesh |
Registrar |
Prof. Ramesh Pandey |
Registrar |
B-10 |
1011 |
--- |
registrar |
Shri Vimlesh Kumar |
Stenographer |
--- |
1012 |
--- |
--- |
Shri Abhay Krishna Pandey |
Academic Support Staff |
--- |
1012 |
--- |
--- |
Main Office (Establishment) |
Shri Satyajeet Kumar |
Asst. Registrar(Admin-I) |
--- |
1027,1968 |
--- | |
Shri Manas Agrawal |
Asst. Registrar(Admin-II) |
--- |
1028,1962 |
--- |
manas |
Shri Anirudh Kumar Chaudhary |
Superintendent SG-II |
--- |
1013 |
--- |
akc |
Shri Sushant Kunal |
Superintendent (Admin-II) |
--- |
1982 |
--- |
sushant |
Accounts Section |
Dr. Shwetank Parihar |
Asst. Registrar (Accounts-I) |
--- |
1021 |
--- |
shwetankar |
Shri Mohd. Danish Ansari |
Asst. Registrar (Accounts-II) |
--- |
1024 |
--- |
danishar |
Shri S. K. Gaur |
Superintendent SG-I |
--- |
1023 |
--- |
--- |
Shri Shyam Babu |
Superintendent SG-I |
--- |
1023 |
--- |
--- |
Office |
--- |
1022 |
--- |
--- |
Shri J. R. Maurya |
Auditor (Internal) |
--- |
1016 |
--- |
--- |
Auditor (External ) |
--- |
1025 |
--- |
--- |
Purchase Office |
Dr. Yogendra Kumar Prajapati |
FI Purchase |
C-14 |
1056/1312 |
1714 |
yogendrapra |
Shri Gyanendra Tiwari |
Asst. Registrar (Admin-III) |
--- |
1030,1969 |
--- |
gktiwari |
Shri Manu Sharma |
Superintendent |
--- |
1056 |
--- |
--- |
Office |
--- |
1057 |
--- |
--- |
Central Store |
--- |
1058 |
--- |
--- |
Shri Pramod Kumar Dwivedi |
Asst. Director (Official Language) |
--- |
1018 |
--- |
--- |
Shri Ashutosh Kumar Gupta |
Superintendent |
--- |
1146 |
--- |
--- |
Proctor Office |
Prof. Pramod Kumar Yadav |
Chief Proctor |
B-11 |
1253 |
1661 |
pramodky |
Dr. Karuppanan P. |
Proctor (Boys) |
--- |
1471 |
--- |
pkaru |
Dr. Smriti Agarwal |
Proctor (Girls) |
--- |
1238 |
--- |
smritiagarwal |
Shri Vivek Kumar Mishra |
Stenographer |
--- |
1012 |
--- |
vivekm |
Liaison Officer |
Dr. Suantak Kamsonlian |
Liaison Officer for SC/ST & PwDs |
--- |
1413 |
--- |
liaisonofficer |
Dr. Ranvijay |
Liaison Officer for OBC |
C-68 |
1463 |
1768 |
ranvijay |
Central Purchase Committee |
Prof. Shivesh Sharma Biotechnology |
Chairman |
C-49 |
1232 |
1749 |
shiveshs |
Prof. G.P. Sahu, SMS |
Member |
B-25 |
1554 |
1675 |
tanuj |
Prof. R.M. Singh, CED |
Member |
Prof. Naresh Kumar |
Member |
C-28 |
1271 |
1728 |
nsisodia |
Registrar |
Member |
--- |
1011 |
--- |
registrar |
Faculty In-charge (Purchase) |
Member |
--- |
1056/1312 |
--- |
fip |
Assistant Registrar [Accounts-I] |
Member |
--- |
1021 |
--- |
--- |
Assistant Registrar [Admin-III] |
Member Secretary |
--- |
1030 |
--- |
--- |
House Allotment Committee |
Prof. Mayank Pandey |
Chairman |
C-55 |
1267 |
1755 |
mayankpandey |
Shri Nirmal Shukla |
Asst. Registrar (Admin IV) |
D-1 |
1073 |
1801 |
aradmin.IV |
Security Advisory & Executive Committee (SAEC) |
Prof. Haranath Kar |
Chairman |
A-27 | --- | 1627 | hnkar |
Shri Manish Kumar |
Member |
--- | --- | --- | manishee |
Dr. Divya Kumar |
Member |
IH-303 | --- | --- | divyak |
Shri Anil Kumar Verma |
Member |
--- | --- | --- | anilverma |
Dr. Shwetank Parihar |
Member |
--- | --- | --- | shwetankar |
Annual Maintenance Contract Committee (AMCC) |
Prof. Ravindra Tripathi |
Chairman |
--- |
--- |
--- |
ravindra |
Industrial Estate |
Prof. Hari Sharan Goyal |
Officer In-charge |
--- |
--- |
1751 |
hsg |
Civil Maintenance |
Dr. Anupam Rawat |
F. I. Construction |
C-62 |
1319 |
1762 |
anupam |
Dr. Debolina Basu |
F. I. Civil Maintenance (Academic & Residential Campus) |
IH-209 |
1321 |
--- |
basud |
Dr. Ajay Kumar Mandrawalia |
F. I. Civil Maintenance (Hostel) |
--- |
1320 |
--- |
ajaym |
Prof. Mohd Siraj Alam |
F.I (Horticulture , Green Campus, Landscaping & Swachcha Bharat Abhiyan) |
C-26 |
1236 |
1726 |
msalam |
Dr. Kanika Saxena |
Associate F.I (Infrastructure Project Data Management) |
--- |
--- |
kanika |
Shri Manish Kumar |
Sr. Executive Engineer |
--- |
1067 |
--- |
manishee |
Shri Sanjay Singh |
Executive Engineer |
--- |
1071 |
--- |
ssingh |
Office |
Civil Maintenance (Institute) |
--- |
1069 |
--- |
--- |
Electrical Maintenance |
Dr. Deepak Kumar |
F. I. Electrical (Hostel) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
deepak_kumar |
Dr. Niraj Kumar Choudhary |
F. I. Electrical ( Academic & Residential Campus) |
--- |
1469 |
--- |
niraj |
Dr. Ashwini Kumar Yadav |
F.I. Air Conditioning |
--- |
--- |
--- |
ashwini |
Er. Anil Verma |
Sr. Executive Engineer |
anilverma |
Er. A. K. Singh |
Executive Engineer |
--- |
1077 |
--- |
aks661 |
Office Electrical Maintenance |
--- |
--- |
1079 |
--- |
--- |
Electrical Complaints / Generator Room |
--- |
--- |
1082 |
--- |
--- |
Pump House |
--- |
--- |
1081 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. V. Krishna Rao K. |
O. C. Communication |
C-46 |
1465 |
1746 |
rao |
Er. A. K. Singh |
Executive Engineer |
--- |
1077 |
--- |
aks661 |
Shri Rama Shanker |
Technician SG-II |
--- |
1086 |
--- |
rshanker |
EPABX Room/ Telephone Complaints |
--- |
--- |
1086 |
--- |
--- |
Warden Team, Hostels |
Prof. Naresh Kumar |
Chief Warden |
C-28 |
1514 |
1728 |
nsisodia |
Dr. Sahadeo Padhye |
Waden-In-charge, Boys |
C-59 |
1257 |
1759 |
sahadeo |
Prof. Manisha Sachan |
Waden-In-charge, Girls |
C-60 |
1237 |
1760 |
manishas |
Chief Warden Office |
--- |
--- |
1116,1117 |
--- |
--- |
PG Girls Hostel/SNGH |
Dr. Mitu Mandal |
Warden |
C-44 |
--- |
1744 |
mitumandal |
Dr. Rajitha B. |
Warden |
D-10 |
1236 |
1810 |
rajitha |
Dr. Smriti Agarwal |
Warden |
--- |
--- |
--- |
smritiagarwal |
Office /Gate |
--- |
--- |
1121 |
--- |
--- |
IHB-Block/Bachelor Flat |
Dr. Mitu Mandal |
Warden |
C-44 |
--- |
1744 |
mitumandal |
Office/Gate |
--- |
--- |
1123 |
--- |
--- |
IH-B Office |
--- |
--- |
1141 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Sweta Tripathi |
Warden |
C-54 |
--- |
1754 |
shtri |
Dr. Parul Katiyar |
Warden |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
KNGH Office/Gate |
--- |
--- |
1126 |
--- |
--- |
Diamond Jubilee Hostel |
Dr. Rupika Sinha |
Warden |
--- |
1234 |
--- |
rupika |
Dr. Pragya Dwivedi |
Warden |
--- |
--- |
--- |
pragyadwi86 |
M. M. Malviya Hostel |
Dr. Niraj Kumar Choudhary |
Warden |
--- |
--- |
--- |
niraj |
Shri Anant Kumar Tiwari |
Senior Assistant |
G-71 |
1129 |
1891 |
--- |
P. D. Tandon Hostel |
Dr. Dinesh Singh |
Warden |
IH-102 |
1213 |
--- |
dinesh_singh |
Shri Vinod Kumar |
Senior Assistant |
--- |
1131 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Divya Kumar |
Warden On Special Duty |
--- |
--- |
--- |
divyak |
B. G. Tilak Hostel |
Dr. Vinay Kumar |
Warden |
--- |
1469 |
--- |
vinay.k |
Office |
--- |
--- |
1133 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Divya Kumar |
Warden On Special Duty |
--- |
--- |
--- |
divyak |
S. V. Patel Hostel |
Dr. Ashutosh Mani |
Warden |
C-40 |
1366 |
1740 |
amani |
Office |
--- |
--- |
1134 |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Divya Kumar |
Warden On Special Duty |
--- |
--- |
--- |
divyak |
R. N. Tagore Hostel |
Dr. Navneet Kumar Singh |
Warden |
C-18 |
1528 |
1718 |
navneet |
Shri Amrit Lal |
Senior Assistant (SG-I) |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Vishal Kumar Gaur |
Warden On Special Duty |
--- |
--- |
--- |
vkgaur |
C. V. Raman Hostel |
Prof. Nitin Singh |
Warden |
--- |
1463 |
--- |
nitins |
Office |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Dr. Vishal Kumar Gaur |
Warden On Special Duty |
--- |
--- |
--- |
vkgaur |
Delegacy |
Dr. Ashutosh Mishra |
Warden |
--- |
1471 |
--- |
amishra |
Swami Vivekanand Boys' Hostel |
Dr. Jitendra N. Gangwar |
Warden |
--- |
1365 |
--- |
jgangwar |
Dr. Satnesh Singh |
Warden |
--- |
--- |
--- |
satnesh |
Dr. Ranvijay |
Warden |
--- |
--- |
--- |
ranvijay |
Dr. Pranav Kumar Kundu |
Warden |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Office |
--- |
--- |
1118 |
--- |
--- |
New Boys Hostel |
Dr. Dipesh Shikchand Patle |
Warden |
G-72 |
1591 |
--- |
dipesh-patle |
Dr. V. P. Singh |
Warden |
--- |
--- |
--- |
vps15783 |
Dr. Shubham Gupta |
Warden |
--- |
1568 |
shubham.gupta |
Services |
Bank of Baroda, MNNIT Allahabad |
--- |
--- |
1155 |
--- |
--- |
Health Centre |
Prof. Basant Kumar |
Chairman |
C-25 |
1406 |
1725 |
singhbasant |
Dr. Ashutosh Mani |
Faculty In-charge |
C-40 |
1470 |
1740 |
amani |
Dr. Shailendra Kr. Mishra |
Medical Officer |
B-9 |
1088 |
1659 |
smo |
Dr. Siddharth Shrivastava |
Medical Officer |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Reception |
--- |
--- |
1089 |
--- |
--- |
Executive Development Centre (EDC) |
--- |
--- |
1093 |
--- |
edc |
Prof. Animesh Kumar Ojha |
Faculty In-charge |
--- |
1289 |
--- |
animesh |
Dr. Anubhav Rawat |
Associate Faculty In-charge |
--- |
--- |
anubhav-r |
Office/ Reception |
--- |
--- |
1093 |
--- |
--- |
EPABX System EDC |
--- |
--- |
1094 |
--- |
--- |
Authorities under RTI Act 2005 |
Prof. Ramesh Pandey |
Central Public Information Officer |
--- |
1005 |
--- |
pio |
Shri Ritesh Kumar Sahu |
Central Assistant Public Information Officer |
G-63 |
1104 |
1883 |
ritesh |
Prof. K. N. Pandey |
Transparency Officer |
A-21 |
1511 |
1621 |
knpandey |
Prof. Rama Shanker Verma, Director |
First Appellate Authority |
Director Residence |
1002 |
1600 |
director |
Shri Anil Kumar |
Academic Support Staff |
1146 |
--- |
--- |
Student Activity Centre (SAC) |
Prof. Pitam Singh |
President |
C-09 |
1359 |
1709 |
pitams |
Dr. S. P. Verma |
SAS Officer |
W-6 |
1099 |
1696 |
spv |
SAC Office |
--- |
--- |
1098 |
--- |
--- |
Gymkhana |
--- |
--- |
1099 |
--- |
--- |
Prof. Mohd Siraj Alam |
Faculty In-charge |
C-26 |
1271 |
1726 |
msalam |
Vehicle Section |
Dr. Ashutosh Mani |
Faculty In-charge Vehicles |
C-40 |
1463 |
1740 |
amani |
Dr. Ravi Prakash |
Associate, F. I. Vehicles |
--- |
1279 |
--- |
ravi.prakash |
Shri Anil Kumar |
Assistant [SG-I] |
D-13 |
1401 |
1813 |
--- |
Office |
--- |
--- |
1102 |
--- |
Mechanical Workshop |
Dr. Jagadish C. Mohanta |
Faculty In-charge |
IH-308 |
1518 |
--- |
jcmohanta |
Dr. Deepak Asthana |
Sr. Scientific/Technical Officer |
--- |
1542 |
--- |
dasthana |
Skill Development Programme for Non-Teaching Staff |
Prof. Basant Kumar |
Chairman |
C-25 |
1206 |
1725 |
singhbasant |
Dr. Ashutosh Mishra |
Faculty In-charge |
--- |
1283 |
--- |
amishra |
Library |
Prof. Abhishek Kumar |
Chairperson, LLRC |
C-34 |
1233 |
1734 |
abhishek |
Dr. Indu Dohare |
Faculty In-charge, LLRC |
--- |
1363 |
--- |
indudohare |
Shri Ritesh Kumar Sahu |
Deputy Librarian |
G-63 |
1104 |
1883 |
ritesh |
Shri Ajay Kumar Sharma |
Deputy Librarian |
--- |
--- |
-- |
-- |
Shri Arvind Kant Singh |
Assistant Librarian |
--- |
1106 |
--- |
arvindksingh |
Assistant Registrars |
Dr. Shwetank Parihar |
Asst. Registrar (Accounts-I) |
--- |
1021 |
--- |
shwetankar |
Shri Mohd. Danish Ansari |
Asst. Registrar (Accounts-II) |
--- |
1024 |
--- |
danishar |
Shri Satyajeet Kumar |
Asst. Registrar (Admin-I) |
--- |
1027,1968 |
--- | |
Shri Manas Agrawal |
Asst. Registrar (Admin-II) |
--- |
1962 |
--- |
manas |
Shri Gyanendra Tiwari |
Asst. Registrar (Admin-III) |
--- |
1030 |
--- |
gktiwari |
Shri Nirmal Shukla |
Asst. Registrar (Admin-IV) |
D-1 |
1073 |
1801 |
aradmin.IV |
Shri Vivekanand Yadav |
Asst. Registrar [Director Office, R&C Office] |
--- |
1007 |
--- |
vivekanandar |
Dr. Manisha Yadav |
Asst. Registrar (Academic & Students Welfare) |
--- |
1051 |
--- |
manishaar |
Security |
Dr. Shwetank Parihar |
Officer In-charge, Security |
--- |
1021 |
--- |
shwetankar |
Saraswati Gate |
--- |
--- |
1110 |
--- |
--- |
Security Gate (Colony) |
--- |
--- |
1111 |
--- |
--- |
Security Gate (Ganga Gate) |
--- |
--- |
1112 |
--- |
--- |
Security Gate (Director Residence) |
--- |
--- |
1113 |
--- |
--- |
Computer Centre |
Prof. Mayank Pandey |
Faculty In-charge Computer Centre |
C-55 |
1440 |
1755 |
mayankpandey |
Shri Rajesh Tripathi |
Associate FI Computer Centre |
B-17 |
1372 |
1667 |
rajeshtcsed |
Er. Abhay Singh |
Technical Officer |
C-63 |
1442 |
1763 |
abhay |
Er. Ashutosh K. Gupta |
Technical Asstt. (SG-I) |
D-6 |
1806 |
ashu |
Gate, Computer Centre |
--- |
--- |
1441 |
--- |
--- |
Network Maintenance |
Shri Ambuj Kumar Mishra |
Network Assistant |
--- |
1448 |
--- |
--- |
Shri C.L. Verma |
Network Technician |
--- |
1446 |
--- |
--- |
Shri Suneel Kumar Yadav |
Network Technician |
--- |
1446 |
--- |
--- |
Shri Sateesh Kumar |
Network Technician |
--- |
1446 |
--- |
--- |
Computer Maintenance |
Shri Rahul Kapoor |
Computer Operator |
--- |
1447 |
--- |
--- |
Shri Shivam Shukla |
Computer Operator |
--- |
1447 |
--- |
--- |
Shri Arman |
Computer Maintenance |
--- |
1447 |
--- |
--- |
Design Centre |
Prof. R. S.Yadav |
--- |
A-7 |
1355 |
1607 |
rsy |
Gate, Design Centre |
--- |
--- |
1381 |
--- |
--- |
Office Assistant |
--- |
--- |
1376 |
--- |
--- |
IGNOU Office |
--- |
--- |
1380 |
--- |
--- |