1. Notice Regarding Scholarship Naukri Campus Engineers " Ring of Honour ". [Registration Link]
  2. Notice Regarding UP Scholarship OBC students dated 05.02.2025.
  3. Notice Regrading UP Scholarship dated 27.01.2025.

  4. Notice Regarding WhatsApp group link only for OBC applicants who have applied for UP Post Matric Scholarship.
    WhatsApp Group Link - https://chat.whatsapp.com/LuYlFA7Eiju0kCan1sBsGg

    Note:- This WhatsApp group link is only for OBC applicants who have applied for UP Post Matric Scholarship. This WhatsApp group link is only for use for Aadhaar based biometric attendance of UP Post Matric Scholarship for OBC applicants.

  5. Notice Regarding UP Scholarship OBC dated 16.01.2025.
    Google Form Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_Va4CEiGmRCq2xSoHjMEYvMcj66f6PiHqCyTaaAvPqw_xgA/viewform?pli=1
  6. Notice Reagrading Virtusa Engineering Excellence Scholarship 2024-25 for 1st/2nd year B.E/B.Tech students.
  7. Notice Regarding UP Scholarship.
  8. Notice Regarding NSP Scholarship.
  9. Notice Regarding AFCAT.
  10. Notice Regarding UP Scholarship dated 12.12.24.
  11. Notice regarding extension of date of Financially Aid Scholarship.
  12. Notice Regarding Scholarship dated 25.11.2024.
  13. Notice Regarding Elocution Competition being organized by Student Activity Centre on Jan Jatiya Gaurav Diwas 2024.
  14. Notice Regarding Scholarship dated 22.11.2024.
  15. Notice Regarding Elocution Competition being organized by Student Activity Centre on Constitution Day.
  16. Tamil Nadu Govt,  IIT,IIM,NIT,IIIT & Central Universities Scholarship for BC, MBC&DNC  communities (2024-2025)- reg.
  17. Notice Regarding MAA sponsored awards for best performers in Institute’s Tech fest Avishkar & cultural festival Culrav.
  18. Notice Regarding Scholarship for Girl Students of MNIT Allahabad - Infosys Foundation STEM Stars Scholarship for Girls.
    Apply Now link - www.b4s.in/id/ISTS2
    Google form Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHBVxbsjS7tCsMm_-b4tzt46uiu5W4GNGJmTL1fEEA1BR58w/formrestricted
  19. Notice Regarding Financial Aid dated 23.10.2024 [Application Form].
  20. Notice Regarding Vehicle Pass Fee.
  21. Notice Regarding 44th Proctorial Board Office Order dated 16.10.2024.
  22. Notice Regarding Scholarship for session 2024-25, dated 09.10.2024.
  23. Notification for competition for designing of Memento, Cover Page of Convocation Souvenir & proposing a Dress Code for the degree recipients for 21st Annual Convocation -2024 of the Institute [Last Date Extended till 20th October, 2024].
  24. Notice Regarding ONGC Foundation Scholarship 2024-25.
  25. Notice Regarding Engineers India Limited Scholarship 2024-25.
  26. Notice regarding 43rd Proctorial Board Office Order dated 25.09.2024.
  27. Notice regarding extension of date for filling the Merit Scholarship Google from.
  28. Sanctioned of Er. Vijay Wadhawan Scholarship to EWS-General students of the Institute for the F.Y. 2024-25.
  29. Sanctioned of financial assistance/scholarship to needy/economically weaker students of the Institute for the F.Y. 2024-25.
  30. Notification for competition for designing of Memento, Cover Page of Convocation Souvenir & proposing a Dress Code for the degree recipients for 21st Annual Convocation -2024 of the Institute.
  31. Notice Regarding Discipline.
  32. Notice Regarding National Scholarships (NSP) and Fellowships for Higher Education of Students for the session (2024-25).
  33. Notice Regarding UP Scholarship 2024-25.
  34. Notice regarding Shri Dorilal Agarawal National Meritorious Scholarship - 2024.
  35. Notice Regarding Yoga Counselling.
  36. Notice Regarding Professional Counsellor.
  37. Notice Regarding Rajasthan Scholarship Portal.
  38. Notice Regarding Email Account Creation for Newly Admitted Students (UG, PG, PhD) - Academic Year 2024.

  39. Notice Regarding ID card.
  40. Notice Regarding Vehicle Rules for Students & Application for Parking Pass (Red Pass), (Fresh Pass/Renewal).
  41. Notice Regarding Institute ID card.

  42. Notice Regarding Guidelines for all students (B.Tech./M.Tech./M.Sc./MCA/MBA/Ph.D) related to follow the Discipline Rules as prescribed under the "Conduct and Discipline" section of the Ordinance.
  43. Notice Regarding Institute Merit Scholarship (2023-24). [Application Link] [Annexure-A] [Annexure-B] [DOC]
  44. Notice Regarding Applications are invited for financial support to help needy/ economically weaker students by MNNIT Alumni Association (MAA)[Online Application Link]
  45. Notice Regarding the Scholarship for the session 2024-25.
